Monday, May 18, 2020

Negative Effects Of Corporal Punishment - 1843 Words

It is a common enough scene, something you have probably experienced with your own children countless times. They are being loud, fighting, or just generally doing something they are not supposed to be doing. So you spank them. Maybe even yell. You’re frustrated, at your whit’s end. You just want them to stop, want them to learn and make better choices. Only, after spanking them, their behavior worsens. The effect you thought spanking them would have is not working. They act out more, get more aggressive. A debate has risen, as scenarios such as this become more talked about. Some say corporal punishment is damaging psychologically and negatively impacts childhood development. So the question has to be asked: â€Å"Is spanking bad?† Corporal†¦show more content†¦This provides us further with the ‘why’ of parents in favor of spanking, despite negative evidence to its implementation in child punishment. Bell and Romano start the article with the idea of the root of the study conducted. â€Å"The use of corporal punishment has been linked to negative developmental outcomes for children.† So with this information, why does spanking continue? The results of the survey tell us why. â€Å"Those who report experiencing more corporal punishment during childhood but also more parental warmth/support hold more favorable attitudes toward spanking and those who report experiencing more corporal punishment during childhood and also more parental impulsiveness hold less favorable attitudes toward spanking.† (Bell and Romano, par. 1) Positive reinforcement of spanking is the main perpetuator between parents who were spanked, who now spank their children. It is hard to view a choice your paren ts made as a ‘bad and damaging parenting choice’ if everything else they did, except that one thing, was positive. So, sure, they spanked you, but they also provided love and support, so spanking can’t be that bad, right? When it comes to the ‘why?’ of the continuation of spanking in our culture, Isaac’s historical and societal acceptance could beShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Corporal Punishment1273 Words   |  6 PagesCorporal punishment is a type of negative reinforcement, something that has close to no positive effect on children; it also discourages integrity and does not prepare them for adulthood. Knowing this information, there is no justification for using violent punishment on children. However, there will still be some people who believe they need to hit their kids; it’s difficult to defy what we have been raised to believe. 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