Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Canadian vs. American Constitution - 2048 Words

A governmental system is required in each aspect of our lives to maintain justice and regulate order through a reasonable and unbiased approach. Rules and regulations need to be implemented within society to ensure that the fundamental freedoms of individuals are guaranteed, both equally and justifiably. This paper will discuss the importance and relevance of constitutions to our everyday lives, with a particular focus on the Canadian Constitution and how it essentially allows us to live in a democratic and free society. According to Christopher E. Taucer, constitutions â€Å"empower the government by setting out bodies with authority and their powers and limits on that authority,† (2001, 1) and hence, lay out the collective values within a†¦show more content†¦The primary provincial responsibilities include the power to tax, education, natural resources and health. The executive branch of the United States consists of the President, Governors and their Cabinets. The Canadian executive branch is composed of the Queen or her representative the Governor General, the prime Minister and the Cabinet. The integration of the court system is much different from the US court structure. Provincial courts in Canada deal with less serious criminal and civil matters. All courts above provincial courts are in the same system, all the way through to the Supreme Court of Canada. Half of all judges, and all those sitting on superior courts, are appointed and paid by the federal government. The US court structure is much more complicated, reflecting’s greater historical and constitutional status. The US has two parallel judicial systems: federal and state. The independent state court systems have variable rules for appointment and election of judges, including the tenure. The parallel federal court system in the US decides disputes between states and in s tate cases where one party is out of state. The supreme court of Canada has final authority over all public and private law, which includes municipal, provincial, and federal law. The Supreme Court of the United States has a more limited mandate; it deals only in federal legislation and the US Constitution. It plays no role over private law andShow MoreRelatedCollective Rights963 Words   |  4 PagesGrade 9A | | Define Collective Rights * Collective rights are rights Canadians hold because they belong to one of several groups in society. They are rights held by groups (peoples) in Canadian society that are recognized and protected by Canada’s constitution. Those groups include Aboriginals, Francophones and Anglophones. * Collective rights are different than individual rights. Every Canadian citizen and permanent resident has individual rights under the Charter of Rights andRead MoreAnalysis Of Atif Rafay And Sebastian Burns1253 Words   |  6 Pagesfamily, after 10 years at large, were put behind American bars in 2003. 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