Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reflection Report And Learning From An Experience Education Essay

Reflection Report And Learning From An Experience Education Essay The reflection report is a form of thinking, how to analyze based on knowledge and feeling. As a manager self analyze to think about weakness and strengths. In this report, it is need to focus on communication skills, time management, scope management, risk management, analysis, self motivation and management (self judgment, self evaluation, self reaction, and self satisfaction), problem solving, team effectiveness and project planning. The main objectives of this report are needed to discuss and focus on following element: Life long learning after this dissertation course experience Experience and Importance of group work and relationship with team members Importance to keep daily dairy for long run projects such as dissertations, research work reports or any long technical projects. Reflection is a series of step to note down for future reference and help Importance of analysis and research we did for our project- processing of running project Quality of work related to topic Tutor and group members suggestion and advises then note down in reflection dairy Basically reflective knowledge is a method to examine him/her self internally and deeply and finding out the issue of nervousness, settle down by the experience which creates the meaning of self. And learns from the same repeating experience and changed him/her self effectively by the result of experiences. Reflection practice is the form of self awareness and self appraisal and describes the result and outcomes of persons actions. Recollection of Experiences (Weekly Detailed Dairy) Week Date Activity 01 14 -06-2010 First week, we attended the introduction session of AMP Module given by Vincent Ong, and learnt how to write a report and how to follow the format etc from supportive tutor. After that Academic Liaison Librarian has give the detailed information about way to put the referencing in our report and module handbook of AMP was provided to all of us. Next day activity was about the plagiarism and turnitinUK. JBK explained us regarding paraphrasing and feature of turnitinUK. They also helped us in search of related articles from digital library. First time, I have learnt that how to put key words in advance search and get the journals and articles called rational research to identity and support our work. Rob explained us about the reflection report and how it is relevant with our report and what makes a good reflection report and what should be the structure of report. After that we have collected handbook of AMP topic. During this week we have formed a group of 10 members as we all previously worked together so we knew each other. One thing in our favor that working with known group members will reduce time taken to start performing and understanding of each frame of work. Beginning of this week we all felt excited and optimistic. As we received information about work we became more apprehensive, confused and uncertain and our topic also made us very uncertain and anxious. But after two days brain storming with group members and detailed discussion with tutor reassured us, and gave us clarification and showed right direction. In general we learnt that wide range of resources and journals are available in our library; it was analyzed that without the tutor guidance may be we would be on the wrong direction. We also understand the importance of referencing. How to comparing and contrasting the material from different authors and importance of sharing ideas as well as we understand the importance of secondary research. Learned about the importance of the time management in project and proper referencing; may be some problem will be encountered during the project like in personal planning and in managing a group. Learning solution in this week would be like how to find relevant information more effectively and learned the need to maintained records about daily activities of progress. 02 21-06-2010 . This week, I have read the handbooks and all material given by tutor. Two articles in handbook are very much helpful for understanding the topic. Today we start our project; we did research and found 5-6 articles about target market selection and difference between B2B and B2C practices. Facing much difficulty in research about the relevant topic because our topic is much tricky and confusing. After two day struggling and with different key words as suggested by tutor, we came at one point of start. Need to understand the synthesis Main Report like how to draw evidence and evaluate and present our own thoughts in Report. It was advised that the main report should be synthesis rather than descriptive. A lot of hurdles came while searching the topics. To day I got some useful articles and after reading got some useful points of my requirements. This week we had a meeting on Friday to solve the issues regarding the understanding of topics and their key wordings for search. 03 28-06-2010 This week, feeling much difficulty while reading, reviewing and comparing the articles of different authors and different sides regarding my topic and key words. Before start writing the literature review, I must needs to understand and study the Harvard System for proper referencing. So Google it and find and understand the many ways of putting referencing for article, journals and books such as articles with missing date, missing authors name , with more than one or two authors work etc. Today, I started my work on dissertation and I made a folder of my all downloaded article and took the print and read two of them then make the synthesize point from them I have been started my work from literature review which is the main body of the report in which we needs to put our ability to produce a quality of work there. I had written my synthesis point from two articles. This week we had a 2nd meeting on Friday to solve the issues regarding the understanding of topics and share some ideas as well as searched article with each other also our project manager send us some useful topic related to inviting tender of technological solutions. I have decided to divide my work chapter wise as guided us by our AMP module Coordinator. So we come the point that work should be start from literature review section. 04 05-07-2010 Today I got my result; I had passed my in all modules. Thanks to Almighty GOD. Today I also review the one more article which is presented in an international conference regarding issues related to ICT facing by SMEs companies. So extract some main point from this article and note down. In our meeting we discussed about the difference between E-business and E-commence, it found about a detailed reading that e-commence is linked to the B2B and e-business is linked with B2C. Moreover from studies one thing come out that is digital-related products and digital-unrelated product. Our project team leader explained and clearly differentiated that digitally related product i.e. software applications, mobile phones, digital cameras were more suitable for e-commerce, and more easily sold over the internet unlike digitally unrelated products like furniture where consumers must want examine physically before a purchase is made. We also discussed and studied further on the key issues and consideration regarding the tender invitation for website development solution. 05 12-07-2010 In literature review, comparison of all researchers and authors work relevant to topic is very much difficult and different nature of work for me. It is noticed that all researcher focusing the similar issue that affecting the operation while company is moving to B2C market and suggests the same requirement and key consideration. As I am having the first experience at this level of literature review and work but it is much interested and knowledgeable effort for me. It is very easy to divert from the original topic during the literature reviewing process. Felt much difficulty like diversion from my original topic in this part of work. May God help me to do this in good and best ways related to exact topic requirement. 06 19-07-2010 This week I was not able to work on my report due to my some personal engagement and some family issues so I was out of station. 07 26-07-2010 This week, I started to understand and revise some articles and documents on tendering. As I need to understand that how to invite the tender for technological and software solutions. Issues come up while writing on inviting tenders for technological solution. Because invitation of tenders for technical and non technical solution are much confusing and related work. But feel like interesting as I am having the new expertise and expertise in this new area of tendering. I dont have any experience of reading such type of documents. As I was stuck on the step of inviting tender so today I consulted with the team leader of our group so she help me out in understanding of this specific point that what are the key requirement for inviting the tenders as I was thinking on the format like that regarding tendering but she solved my issue and sent some articles for literature review related to this. She is very much helping person and nice lady and she should be a good team leader in future. 08 02-08-2010 Confusion- writing on invite tender for web development that whether it should b E-tendering or normal traditional way. Another issue that I was facing that in most of tendering article there is no proper author or researcher name. Mostly the company and organizational name are mentioned while inviting tender for the technological or software solutions. Got some article and journal on tendering and outsourcing the IT related work and technological solution. This week I have made my final schedule and divide the days till final review of report and how to close my work within the month of august. Understand and learnt about the use of indexing in table of contents in MSWord; how to use the proper referencing. 09 09-08-2010 This week I met with my one of the group member in LRC and discussed about the e-book refereeing and how many references we can use and whether mostly should be journals articles and could be from any where else? So she suggested that we should email to Peter Godwin as well as we get some information from LR guide or referring within digital library. After that we discussed about recommendations on topic. Should we need to suggest or put some recommendation related to our kind of work? This week, I got some good article but this is my targeted week in my time table to finish all the literature review and writing. And should be focus and emphasized on the synthesis, analysis and comparison of the report in last 3 week. This week, I need to scale down and windup my all review work. Today is the end of this week and I have closed my literature review writing and my next stage is to syntheses the report and exacts the key point for analysis and discussion. 10 16-08-2010 Today I have started my work on review of my work with detailed and syntheses point of view. Feel some ambiguity regarding references in analysis and discuss stage that whether we need to put the Harvard reference within the analysis and discussion portion like we did in literature review or not? To resolve this issue I put an email to our team member and waiting of there reply. 11 23-08-2010 This week is very much tough and crucial as I totally put my effort on the revision and focus on my whole work and balance the report in a proper flow and come out with corrected some mistakes After that I can better focus working on the conclusion and recommendation of the topic. Today end of this week, I wrote down my conclusion and recommendation. 12 30-08-2010 Working on reflection analysis report and syntheses my all work into final version. Recompiled daily dairy log of my all 3 month works Personal feelings and learning from the experience Research work is really very much interesting but time consuming. I spend my neat hours and hours on this report and this work should be helpful and very much supportive for my future work and learning at this level and above this. Meetings and regular Google talk and email exchange about AMP report work, experiences and discussion with group members. Some major difficulties were come in front while reviewing the literature like comparison of all researchers and authors work regarding my topic. As it is noticed that all researcher focusing the similar issue that affecting the operation while moving to B2C market and suggests the same requirement and key consideration for outsourcing processes. As I was having the first time experience at this level of literature review and work but it was much interested and knowledgeable effort for me. I enjoy a lot with my work and feel much happy at this stage and got much knowledge from last three month efforts. That how to make the comparison of other authors work and note down in own my wordings. It was very easy to divert from the original track during literature reviewing phase as well as in writing the report process. My God help me out to do this thing in good and best ways that I was linked to my topic. Issue regarding literature review and other relevant work are resolved very smoothly with the help of all my group members collective participation and efforts. We had arranged the meetings until all the members are cleared and much satisfied with the understanding of topic and data collection as we had three weekly groups meeting with team leader after the AMP week. My team was very much generous with the commitment and time punctuality. My contribution was also remarkable as well and I was linked with my group members all the time 24/7 through email, facebook and mobile. And I was much satisfied with my work and with group members response. Group Dynamics and Learning from the experience Here I must mention one thing that my current AMP group members are not fresh new members. We were having same group in all our previous course work. So we were much comfortable with each other and knew each other frame of mind and algorithm of work. And we understand the group dynamics and responsibilities. As a whole I didnt feel any problem in my work with my members. Since I was linked with my group members all the time 24/7 through email, mobile and all the group members were much satisfied with my contribution and with my quick response on any issue related to our work. I fulfill my all responsibilities that were given by our team leader. Out supervisor consultancy was very much helpful for us regarding the understanding the actual topic and how to search the relevant material from digital library. He did very level best to solve our issues. I learnt that the group work is very much effective and helpful for this type of big projects as the work is distributed and every member come up with good and different ideas and knowledge. And the project will meet the deadlines very smoothly. Lessons for the future Projects The lesson learned dairy was kept in order to bring all the lessons together that we learnt during the dissertation work, which would be the guideline for other future projects. The weekly diary was updated whenever I have learned some thing new during the project whether it was positive or negative lesson. From experience with the proper management of work start to end and all the group members cooperation; many positive and good lessons was learned for future projects. Such as weekly meetings, time management and good communication with members will push up our progress. With a good time management, now we have a lot of time for quality review and correction before the deadline. I learnt very much from group work experience as it will help me out in increasing good management skill and to achieve the objectives according to prefix quality standards within the time constrains through the planning and good control especially at initial stage. Daily log helped me out to plan and schedule the weekly tasks and overall progress of my work. Following are the key lessons I have learned for future project as a group. Good understanding and friendly work environment. meetings with group members and weekly dairy and should be maintained Time management and planning Good communication and updates sharing. Conclusion The project was managed very calmly and smoothly with help of supervisors guidelines from the first stage and good teams effective communication via (email, phone and weekly meetings) motivation, planning and time management, risk management and most important is self management and motivation. Each team members was very much delegated, punctual and showed their responsibility. The tool of weekly dairy helped me out to align and monitor my each stage and there objectives. We received the feedback and make the updates with weekly group meeting at the start. However, with good time management and understanding of work, our group members met the deadlines but we faced few issues and hurdles regarding understand of topic and search of relevant material like e-article, e-journal and books. But with effective communication between all members via meetings, email, phone all the risks and issues will be overcomes with the time beings. Finally, my project was successfully finished with the mercy of Almighty God and the equal contribution of all team members at there level best and my mothers prayer was with me all the time. At the end, I believed that good management skill and supportive project leader as well as enough support from the supervisor in AMP Week were the reasons for no major issues, hurdles, and deviations from the track. As good management and clear communication helped out greatly to avoid the likely issues and conflicts as every team members were aware of their own deadlines and their own responsibility. I must appreciate this new method of self recording of our daily work for such type of long project which kept us on right path and lesson for time management and reflection of our work for future prospects. I am much satisfied with my work at this stage and learnt a lot for future things as this whole experience of UK changes my lifestyle and it was the lifelong learning for me.

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