Friday, August 23, 2019

Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Cross Cultural Perspectives - Essay Example To cope with an unpredictable world you mut build an enormou amount of flexibility into your organization. While you cannot predict the future, you can get a handle on trend, which i a way to take advantage of change and convert rik into opportunitie. n today' tidal wave of global economic, technological, and ocial change, that name of the game for you and your organization i urvival. If you are going to withtand relentle and contantly growing global competition, you need to be different and radically change the way of doing buine. You have to give up the old hierarchical, adverarial approach which wate individual talent and ap energy in unproductive conflict. Intead you need to create a new management model, witch from management to leaderhip, manage change, build trut, drive out fear of failure and and create productive partnerhip in which everyone can offer their unique knowledge and talent. If you know how to help your organization to do thi, you can make a deciive difference. How you change a buine unit to adapt to hifting economy and market i a matter of management tyle. Evolutionary change, that involve etting direction, allocating reponibilitie, and etablihing reaonable timeline for achieving objective, i relatively painle. However, it i rarely fat enough or comprehenive enough to move ahead of the curve in an evolving world where take are high, and the repone time i hort. When faced with market-driven urgency, abrupt and ometime diruptive change, uch a dramatic downizing or reengineering, may be required to keep the company competitive. In ituation when timing i critical to ucce, and companie mut get more efficient and productive rapidly, revolutionary change i demanded. When chooing between evolutionary change and revolutionary action, a leader mut purue a balanced and pragmatic approach. winging too far to revolutionary extreme may create "an organizational culture that i o impatient, and o focued on change, that it fail to give new initiative and new peronnel time to take root, tabilize, and grow. What' more, it create a high-tenion environment that intimidate rather than nurture people, leaving them with little or no emotional invetment in the company." Group, ocietie, or culture have value that are largely hared by their member. The value identify thoe object, condition or characteritic that member of the ociety conider important; that i, valuable. In the United tate, for example, value might include material comfort, wealth, competition, individualim or religioity. The value of a ociety can often be identified by noting which people receive honor or repect. In the U, for example, profeional athlete are honored (in the form of monetary payment) more than college profeor, in part becaue the ociety repect peronal value uch a phyical activity, fitne, and competitivene more than mental activity and

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