Thursday, November 28, 2019

Duyhane Miller Anti Smoking Ad Essays (843 words) - Tobacco

Duyhane Miller MRKT 331 Professor Himelstein Oral Report/Written Report July 2, 2017 Commercials Geared to Stop Smoking Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit that many Americans , as well as foreigners , have . When we were all kids there was always that one person or maybe more who told you to stay clear of cigarettes because it can cause a chain reaction of problems for you in the future . Now we all thought we could beat those odds and perhaps there have been a couple people who hav e beat those odds , but there are still over thirty - seven million people who smoke cigarettes in America alone . It is difficult to escape the world that is anti - smoking you see it everywhere from mural on the side of building in the heart of New York , to commercial vans riding around neighborhoods that have high smoking rates . Almost all Americans, at least the ones who own a tv or go to bars, laundromats or even the movie theatres , have seen ads that are geared toward s getting people to stop smoking. Some of them show what years of smoking can lead to by having people who suffer from emphysema and oth er smoking related diseases explain their struggle . These commercials do not seem to be effective because some people are very selfish and not everyone cares about what happens to someone else if it's not them going through it . Not everyone can be sympathetic because everyone thinks their own problem is unique. However, the commercials that truly plant the seed to grow are the ones that use children as their emotional bait. Let's face the fact that children are our weakness. Whether they are adopted, biological, or are some neighborhood kids who you took in as your own because you saw they needed you as a mo del, they are all our weakness. Companies who are trying to save lives have learned that the best way to get a point across is through a child. Who better to get you to stop and think about what you are doing to yourself and see how it affects not only you, but everyone around you than someone you created and watched grow and do marvelous things? The companies who create commercials using children use pathos to get their point across. Science can be pin point correct, but nothing means more to a parent than their child and all parents want to do what's right for their child which is why eight out of ten parents who smoke do not smoke in front of their child. Not only are children the stop spot for parents they are also the soft sport for teenagers who smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and do other illegal activities. When you know that there is someone looking up to you for guidance and they are as innocent as can be it makes you stop and think if it's worth losing that admiration. Pathos is not the only means of persuasion illustra ted in these commercials, there is also ethos. Children are like sponges, they grasp everything that is thrown their way and behavior is no different. In fact, it 's one of the first things they learn from their parents. Children are the younger versions of their parents so if a child asks for a puff of smoke, as a parent you wonder if they are serious and tell them it's bad for them and can kill them. If you know what the effects are why would you risk the killing yourself in front a child? I find Anti - Smoking commercials to very important mainly because they could truly save lives . It takes one commercial or one conversation to change someone ' s life . There was a time in my life when smoking had a huge control over my life . I remember waking up in the middle of the night just to smoke because there was this craving that I could not curve and I remember having to go outside in the brutal cold during the winter to smoke a cigarette or two . It wasn

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