Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assignment2 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment2 - Article Example y feel threatened and avoids such uncertain situations, ‘individualism and collectivism’ its reflects on the individual aspect and living in groups aspect of people, ‘masculinity and femininity’ it is the degree of role division between sexes to which people in a society put different emphasis n work goals compared to personal goals. These four cultural dimensions not only help to analyze cultures of different nations but also help in analyzing the impact of such cultural differences on management and organization (Pheng and Yuquan, 2002). Leaders and their leadership styles play a major role in sustaining the organizational culture. It can be noted that both management and leadership had their own domains. Leadership involves transformations, guiding people, creating strategies and visions, predicting the future and motivating the staff. The styles discussed in the situational leadership model are adapted by the leaders at different times depending on the condition of their followers. Developing the leadership and managerial skill within a person is much of a challenge since it involves a great amount of communication. It can help put into practice the strategies and visions of an organization. It was pointed out that management and leadership concepts are different from each other since leadership focuses on adjusting with change and management focuses on adjusting with complexity (Legnini, 1994). Along with the leadership and managerial aspects, it is significant on the part of the organization to bring about the necessary changes by the means of artifacts. Organizational change could be achieved at different levels of the firm, even at an entirely lower level. Organizational outline require not descend from the top yet might develop through, from the endeavors of individuals all around the organization who are the part of the organizational culture and the change. Change is a vital part of an organization since change is constant and if an

Monday, October 28, 2019

Children Penalties Essay Example for Free

Children Penalties Essay All through America it seems that juvenile children are committing extremely severe crimes. Fellow classmates and teachers are being murdered by juveniles as young as eleven and thirteen. As a result of this, a major issue has been raised, should children who commit a serious crime face the penalties as and adult? Do these kids know what they are doing? And more importantly do they know the consequences of their actions. The points that Im going to be outlining are children dont know/ know the consequences of their actions, harsh punishment has little effect, youths are more mature so they know the consequences of their actions, the notion of justice, children may not have been given adequate role modals, youths should be given harsh punishments so others will not copy them, children grow up with guns and its the shooters responsibility not the weapon used. Those who believe that juveniles should receive adult penalties for serious crimes often claim that the young children are not fully aware of the crime they commit and destruction that will affect the victims of the crime. For example in a shooting at Jonesboro, where an eleven and thirteen year old shot dead four school girls and a teacher, critics distinguished that the attack wasnt committed at the spur of the moment or under the immediate influence of strong emotion. Instead they claim that the killings were highly planned and vigilantly carried out. The two juvenile killers were noted to supplied themselves with a gate away vehicle, wore camouflage clothing, selected a high vantage point form which to shoot, lured their innocent victims out by trigging a fire alarm and waited for the school doors to automatically lock before opening fire. (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 2) The opposing view is that children in their opinion are unable to grasp the consequences of their actions. A child who kills very probably doesnt realize the finality of death and so does not fully understand what he/she has done when they take someones life. Correspondingly, it is claimed that children are unlikely to be deterred for a crime because they are terrified of a cruel punishment. According to this line of disagreement most children are impulsive and have a naive idea in  their own immortality. This means that children are unlikely to think about possible punishments prior to committing a serious crime and are unlikely to be able to even envision penalties like life in jail being applied to them. This point was made by child psychiatrist William Licamele, who claimed, At age 11 or 12 kid are normally self-absorbed, self centered, magical, they dont think anything can happen to them, there is going to be no retribution (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 4) This meaning that the threat of harsh punishment will not prevent them from committing a crime. Thus, it has been argued that applying adult penalties to children who commit serious crimes will have little to no deterrent effect. On the other hand, juveniles should receive adult punishments; fully premeditated murders (like the Jonesboro have been said to be) are no different just because juveniles have committed them. This point questions weather or not the young offenders are adequately aware of the cost of their actions to be held legally liable for them. Mr. Gerard Henderson, executive director of Sydney institute, has summed up this point of arrangement. He claims, I certainly know what I was doing when I was 13 and 11. I suspect that Mitchell Johnson and Andrew Golden (shooters at Jonesboro) also know what they were doing (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 2) Mr. Gerard Henderson also claims, Those days it is increasingly accepted that most children mature relatively early and that, in an intellectual and recreational sense. Most are relatively independent by 16 (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 2) This indicates that youth are more mature and so its argued that they are more capable of appreciating the consequences of their actions than children in the past years. Focusing on the punishment of these so called more mature youths is shortsighted, as the cause of the crime committed is probably outside the control of the children. According to this line argument, the general public is more likely to be able to prevent these crimes from occurring if they can  discover why they are happening, rather than focusing on the punishment of the individual offender. This suggests that children who commit serious crimes are most likely victims of developments of society or inside their own families that they are not responsible for. E.g. same authorities have suggested that martial breakdown, the disintegration of extended family and families were both parents work may all be factors contributing to child crime. (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 4) Many people say that it doesnt matter that a child committed the crime, but that the damaged he/she caused to the victim is the same no matter the age of the perpetrator. Mitchell Weight, whose wife was one of the five killed at Jonesboro claimed, It doesnt matter that those were boys. Their age has nothing to do with the fact that they murdered my wife and four others (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 3) Those who say that the crime and the damage should remain the same despite the age of the offender seem to mean that the punishment should be that same. This argument is based on the notion of justice. Those who affect serious harm to others should be given a proportionately serve penalty for their crimes. Children may have committed a crime that has caused serious harm due to having had luck of guidance and emotional support. The child may suffer from feelings of desertion, alienation and damaged self-esteem. Which can encourage them to lush out at others. Such children may not have been given adequate role modals to help them cope with whatever hardship they will encounter in their lives. Children who lush out at others and become juvenile offenders should receive comparable penalties to adult crimes so that other young people will not copy them. This point was put by Mr. Gerard Henderson, he argued and said that, The Jonesboro shooting was but the most recent in a wave of schoolyard murders where boys or young men have murdered students and teachers. Who is to say the soft treatment of one young murderer will not encourage another? (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 3) Societies such as the United States where guns are broadly accepted and where  even young children are trained in the use of guns, are giving young offenders a mean of turning their teenage anger and resentment into homicide. If guns were not so widely available then most of the school shootings would have never happened, the child with the sense of grievance would have expressed it in a form such as fighting, truancy or disobedience in class. It has been claimed that children trained from an early age in the use of guns may be desensitized to potentially grave consequences. Children introduced to guns at an early age may simple regard guns as one more toy. Although guns are widely available that opposing view is that you cant blame the availability of weapons for any crime committed using them. A local in Jonesboro stated, You lay a gun on the table and a hundred years from now the gun will still be there, unless someone touches it (Mclnerney, J, 1994: page 4) This argument is saying that the responsibility for the shooting rests with the shooter, not the weapon. I personally believe that it depends on the offender, weather it was committed from a strong emotion or a planned slaughter. Either way they should first go into a program to help them. But if it was a planned slaughter, at the same time of being in a program they should get punished as an adult so they know that they cant get away with it and no one else hopefully will not copy what they have done. The issues that I have covered in this essay are that children dont know/know what they have done, harsh punishment doesnt work well, youths have grown up a lot more quickly, if they harm someone the offender should get the equal amount of punishment, they have has no good role modals, soft treatment will make other youths copy the offenders crime, guns are part if the youths life from a young age and its not the weapons responsibility of the crime that they have committed. Bibliography: Mclnerney, J, 1994 Echo Education Services

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man :: Portrait Artist Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man    The mind wanders, on occasion, through many processions of thought. When at the beginning of this text, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, I found it difficult to follow young Stephen's meandering thoughts with any semblance of comprehension until I finished reading the novel. I then began to research the novel and Joyce and realized the significance of these seemingly random thoughts. These are the thoughts of a budding artist in infancy.    As Stephen matured, so did his thoughts. His struggle with self is central to understanding the novel. Without any indication of any other person's thoughts, Stephen's thoughts provoke our own to fill in where Joyce left the narrative blank. His struggle with self deals with religion, sin, sexuality, and prudence. Courage may be added to this list, but to a lesser extent. Stephen feels it is sufficient to hide and keep silent more than to stand on a soapbox and say what he thinks to a crowd.    Many of his mannerisms are learned responses from earlier dealings with schoolmates and family. In Chapter 1, line 30, Stephen hides when he is in trouble for something unknown to the reader. He hides his emotions on lines 81 and 82 of chapter 1 when his mother is crying as she leaves him at school. He attempts to hide his shame, on lines 259-265 in the same chapter, at not knowing the correct answer between kissing his mother or not doing so.    These learned responses of defense are somewhat, but not completely ignored when his thoughts begin to mature and he forms his own philosophy of what is beautiful through the study of others (Chapter 5, Lines 1161-1469). He speaks openly, to Lynch at least, about what beauty is and what art is. Later, also in Chapter 5, he speaks openly to Cranly about religion and his lack of belief therein. He believes that Cranly is friend enough not to tell others that Stephen is, what might have been considered, a heretic.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Japanese Yen :: Essays Papers

Japanese Yen The Japanese Yen When Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of US dollars to gold in 1972, the fixed rate between the dollar and the yen was exchanged for a floating rate. The international value of the yen rose sharply and is today one of the most attractive currencies on the market as it directs the world's second largest economy. The yen is controlled by a central bank known as the Bank of Japan or BOJ. This central bank is under the supervision of the Minister of Finance. Over the past decade, the yen has fluctuated greatly. From early 1990 through mid 1995, the yen doubled in value from 160/$ down to 80/$. From 1995-1998, the yen lost value and was back up in the 140's/$. The trend in the past year has been a steady increase in value for the yen. Over the past six months, the yen has fluctuated. From April through mid-July, the yen floated between 124/$ and 118/$. Since then it has increased in value falling to the area of 105/$. On Friday September 24, the closing rate on the yen was 104.24/$. Over this next week, the yen rose to a close of 105.0000/$. This means that the yen lost a little value in comparison to the dollar. This slight fall is not representative of what is going on with the yen however. Over the past few months, investors have put money into Japanese stocks. The government is putting pressure on the BOJ to increase the yen supply in order to stave off inflation and curb long-term interest rates. This pressure came after a G-7 meeting in which the members suggested that Japan do something to weaken the yen. Prices and wages are falling and output is below Japanese productive potential. Despite these factors, the BOJ is hesitant about responding because it is concerned that expanding the yen supply will cause inflation. Last week, Japanese companies were becoming more optimistic about economic growth. The BOJ didn't take in cash from money markets on Sept. 30, leaving in twice the normal sur plus, so traders felt that the BOJ would follow the idea of expanding the yen supply. The BOJ is conducting a survey on Monday Oct. 4 to see how optimistic business sentiment is as the economy tries to rebound. The yen could rise this next week to its highest level since that 1995 value of 80/$.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rkot1 Oraganizational Systems and Quality Leadership

RKOT 1 Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Western Governor’s University Leadership Strategies Leadership is, first and foremost, a stance—an attitude. A leader faces the problem and says what we can do to address it. Leaders take responsibility for problems. (L 101: So You Want to Be a Leader in Health Care ) Two strategies a nurse might use as an informal leader on an interdisciplinary team are form a clearer picture of the real situation and start looking for ideas of how to solve the problem. L 101: So You Want to Be a Leader in Health Care ) As a nurse on an interdisciplinary team you could start by gathering information regarding the situation to form a clearer picture. Often time’s members of the team only look at what is affecting their individual work flow. As a leader a nurse should put the patient at the center of the picture and investigate how the roles of the individual team members affect the patient as a whole. People often look only at how a situation will affect them and their workflow and do not look at the situation as a whole.Instead of just complaining about a situation the can take a leadership role by gathering information from all members of the team and piecing this information together as to form a clearer picture of the situation. To become an effective leader the nurse must not only gather the information to form a clearer picture but also work with the team to look for and offer ideas to solve the problem. As a leader, a nurse would not just join in on the complaining.Once the information is gathered and the problem is clearly identified; to be a true leader, the nurse would look for creative solutions possibly initiating changes in workflow to alleviate the problem. A leader goes the extra step to implement change. Active Involvement Two ways a nurse can take an active, contributing role within the interdisciplinary team are identifying quality issues or concerns and ensuring there is open active com munication between members of the team as well as the patient.As a nurse you should be a strong patient advocate. During interdisciplinary rounds you should bring up concerns that may affect patient care. If there is uncertainty regarding the scheduled treatments or procedures and timing of those interventions the nurse should advocate for the patient in order for the patient to receive the best possible care. Nurses must ensure patient safety by asking questions if they are no sure as to whether the right procedure or treatment is being ordered or carried out.It is the nurse’s job, while overseeing the care of the patient, to report any unsafe or potentially unsafe acts in order to advocate for the patient and develop best practices. As an advocate for the patient you should also speak up if the patient has unmet needs such as inadequate pain control or if timing of procedures prevents patients from obtaining uninterrupted sleep. The nurse can also take an active role in the interdisciplinary team by ensuring there is open two way communication between members of the treatment team and also the patient.Patients are generally more compliant with treatment plans when they have active participation in the development of the treatment plan. An example of open communication and team work make be the nurse coordinating with therapy in order to ensure the patient is medicated prior to undergoing therapy in order to increase participation by the patient and therefore allowing the patient to become more engaged in their treatment secession. Teams work more efficiently when they have open communication.The nurse can lead the team by ensuring that all members communicate and are on the same patient in regards to patient’s care plan and goals. By ensuring the lines of communication or kept open and aligning workflow the ultimate winner is the patient due to better coordination of care. Culture of Safety Psychological safety, active leadership, transparency and fairness are four characteristics used to create a culture of safety. (PS106 Introduction to the Culture of Safety) There are many ways that you can promote a culture on safety in your workplace.When someone initially starts a position they are often assigned a buddy or preceptor. In order to create a culture of psychological safety people need to know they can speak up without being judged. One organization has taken steps to stand up to doctor’s if they are being derogatory to nurses or other staff. The nurses can actually call a code in which people stop their work follow and physically stand behind the nurse if she feels she is being spoken to in an inappropriate or unprofessional manner. Spirit on the spot is another example of creating an environment of psychological safety.By enabling anyone to report when someone is caught doing something right such as stopping to give directions to a visitor when someone appears lost it creates a positive environment to work. Act ive Leadership can be observed in organizations that have open forums in which leaders meet with front line staff and encourage questions regarding workflow or any ideas or suggestions for improvement. Monthly leadership rounding is where leaders walk around on units and stop to speak with the staff asking how their day is going and if there is anything that their leader can do to make a difference in their work environment.This is an excellent example of active leadership. These leaders come to the staff one on one and encourage open discussion. Transparency occurs when there is a system in which when errors are reported or near misses are reported action is taken to investigate the error or near miss and change is initiated that will decrease the likelihood of the error reoccurring. An example of transparency occurred within an organization by the change in national patient safety standards requiring two patient identifiers when working with a patient.To create an environment of f airness an organization needs to act when errors are caused by system errors. Nurses often find system errors when procedures are changed or modified. People too often just thing of how the change will affect their own discipline and not how it will affect patient care or the system as a whole. The staff needs to know that if a change is implemented that creates errors instead of decreasing errors they will be able to speak up and a new course of action will be taken.An example of culture of safety occurred when my hospital first implement EMR’s. The order sets were written where inpatient and observation could both be ordered on a patient at the time of admission. The utilization nurse felt comfortable addressing the issue with her leader and was encouraged to speak with not only her leader but also administration regarding the possible conflict in orders. The nurse was rewarded for speaking up and the organization quickly worked to determine the best way to change the order sets in order to avoid the conflicting orders.The organization then took steps to be transparent by admitting there was an error in the original order sets and doing educational seminars for the admit staff, physicians, nurses and coders regarding the conflict in orders. If there had not been a culture of safety and the nurse had not spoken up the error in orders may have continued for months resulting in incorrect or non payment for the facility and errors in co-pays for the patients. REFERENCES L 101: So You Want to Be a Leader in Health Care . (n. d. ). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from Institute for Healthcare Improvement: http://app. hi. org/lms/lessonpageworkflow. aspx? CatalogGuid=6cb1c614-884b-43ef-9abd-d90849f183d4&CourseGuid=c1164ba8-5af1-438b-8a1f-d409911a4948&LessonGuid=b9a441cc-d2af-4211-8ba8-5359c06a8cb6 PS106 Introduction to the Culture of Safety. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 8, 2013, from Institute for Healthcare Improvement: http://app. ihi. org/lms/lessonpageworkflow. as px? CatalogGuid=6cb1c614-884b-43ef-9abd-d90849f183d4&CourseGuid=789d9cbb-7dd3-4fe9-8df2-e0c63725b350&LessonGuid=4b250d37-cf44-4561-b830-53ed5865c6b8

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

punk history essays

punk history essays Punk began over in britin in the 1960 what most of us know to be the "Hippy ara". Britin was not as america at the time, peace, love, and happy ness. Britan's bums dresses in mohaks and leather gakets with a ragy look full of hatred had a message to send to every one. they did this through music. started a revolution in the music buisness. over in britin a man by the name of mike walse a son of a phamus poet, ran away from home and lived in the streates with all the other puncks. him as his father was very artistic and started a band called the punck rockers. They played small giges in lockal back allies and parties, and there music took off every one wanted to see these rebeluse teenagers play there loud some times screaming music. They never made alot of money because they never once made some one pay to see them. Soon all over britin punks were creating bads and this started the punk revolution. punck barily survied through the 70's and 80's but took of in the 90's with bands like blink 182 and saves the day, dbs, afi, face to face. so all in all punk music is old school but will never die and will continue to adapt to changing times but the old school bangers will never be forgoton ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Advantages of a Boarding School Education

Advantages of a Boarding School Education Boarding schools have long been praised for offering students small class sizes, close alliances between students and teachers, and rigorous academics. But the long term benefits of attening boarding school were not always so clear. Until now ... thanks to a thorough study carried out by The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), an association that works with more than 300 boarding schools around the world, there is evidence that supports the advantages of a boarding school education for students over public and private day schools. The TABS  study surveyed more than 1,000 boarding school students and alumni and compared them to 1,100 public school students and 600 private day school students. The results suggest that boarding school students are better prepared for college than students who attend private day schools and public schools and that boarding school students also make faster progress in their careers. The reasons for these results may be a direct result of essentially being immersed in an academic environment full time. TABS has been working diligently to support boarding schools, and recently launched the Ready for More? Campaign. That campaign, along with the results of the survey paint an enticing picture for boarding school experiences. Academics and Student Life The study conducted by The Association of Boarding Schools found that 54% boarding school students report being highly satisfied with their academic experience, as compared to 42% of students who attend private day schools and 40% of students who attend public schools.   Check out these statistics from the TABS Study on what boarding school students say about their school environment, as compared to Private and Public School Students: 75% of boarding school students report that their peers are motivated, as compared to 71% of private day school students, and 49% of public school students.  91% of boarding school students feel their school is challenging academically, as compared to 70% of private day school students and 50% of public school students.  90% of boarding school students report that their teachers are high quality, whereas only 62% of private day and 51% of public school students would rate their teachers as high quality. College Preparation In addition, boarding school students reported that they are better prepared for college than students from public or private day schools. The study carried out by The Association of Boarding Schools found that 87% of boarding school students reported that they were very well prepared to take on college academics, as compared to 71% of students from private day schools and 39% of students from public schools. In addition, 78% of students at boarding schools said that the daily life at boarding schools helped prepare them for other aspects of college life, such as exercising independence, handling their time well, and doing well with college social demands. In contrast, only 36% of private day school students and 23% of public school students reported that they were ready to tackle college life with success. Benefits Extending Beyond College Interestingly, the study showed that the benefits of having attended boarding school extended well into adult life. For example, boarding school alumni/ae tended to attend graduate school in greater numbers: 50% of them earned advanced degrees, as compared to 36% of private day school alumni/ae and 21% of public school graduates. And once they earned their degrees, graduates of boarding schools earned top positions in management to a greater extent than their colleagues- 44% did so, as compared to 33% of private day school grads and 27% of public school graduates. By the end of their careers, 52% of boarding school alumni had achieved top positions, as compared to 39% of private day school graduates and 27% of public school graduates. Boarding school alumni say in remarkable numbers that they enjoyed their experience at school, and, in fact, an overwhelming number- 90%say that they would repeat it. It is clear from the survey that boarding schools offer not only top academics but also lifelong benefits and a close-knit community that students and alumni enjoy for a lifetime. While many parents choose boarding school mainly for its educational value- in the TABS study, the promise of a good education was the primary reason parents chose boarding schools for their children- it is clear from the survey that the schools offer much more than just the experience in the classroom. They also offer students the ability to exercise independence, work closely with their teachers, and enjoy friendships that often last a lifetime. Edited by  Stacy Jagodowski

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Customer service phrases that will help in any tough situation

Customer service phrases that will help in any tough situation Customer service is  important in any company. They are the front-runners  for customer interaction and satisfaction. With that being said, customers judge a company based on their interaction experience either through phone, email, or face to face.   Depending  on how well it goes customers  can decide  whether or not they want to continue business with these companies. With these tips on how to handle customers in tough situations, you are bound to help them feel valued and heard. Your customer service will be unforgettable!Source [ SlickText ]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global warming - Research Paper Example The author has rightly presented that global warming refers to climate change that represents an increase in the average temperature of the Earth. It is defined as â€Å"increase in the earth’s atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the Greenhouse Effect caused especially by pollution†. The definition explains the climate change, which is increase in average temperature of the planet. The climate change is linked with the Greenhouse Effect. The effect will be discussed in detail later, but the major element causing the effect is the amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the major component of the greenhouse gases. Therefore, a link can be drawn between climate change and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This relation was first discovered in a study explaining the Ice Ages. The outcome of the study suggested that the lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the Ice Ages. The major contributing scientists in establishing this relationship and predicting global warming were Arrhenius and Chamberlin. Arrhenius was the first to calculate the magnitude of the effect on global temperature in 1896 and bought up the possibility of future warming. The calculations were done mainly to explain Ice Ages and the possibility of global warming was not stressed upon. Furthermore, the idea was not widely accepted by scientists. This idea was revived in 1938, but was not widely accepted till early 1960s. ... It is, therefore, important that we know the cost of our lifestyle and the direction we are heading towards. 1.2 The issue is of prime importance as it relates to our home, earth. The degradation of the environment will ultimately affect us or our next generations in particular. The magnitude of the effect is increasing at an alarming rate and its consequences are beyond our wildest imagination. The issue came into limelight with rising sea level and in particular the melting of the polar caps. As we discover more we realize its importance. Every system on earth is interlinked and its consequences are widespread. Currently, the measures taken are inadequate and not at an international level. Any change in atmosphere or our environment affects complete earth and we all become sufferers for our collective actions. The world needs to unite to solve this issue and an international policy must be made to fight against global warming. Survival has always been the most important priority fo r any living organisms. The issue relates to the survival of our kind, but it is not given due importance which it deserves. 1.3 Without the atmosphere, the earth would be much colder, when related to the distance of our planet from the sun (Postma 2). In simple, earth is much warmer than it should be because of its atmosphere. It was first discovered by Tyndall in 1859 that gases can trap heat rays (Reville 1). The most important of these was simple water vapor. Carbon dioxide, though in very less quantity was also found to be very effective. This effect was later called â€Å"Greenhouse Effect†. The question arises; is Greenhouse Effect the main cause for global warming? This question forms the basis for this research paper and after

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tax reform debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tax reform debate - Essay Example g all the economic woes that the Bush administration left have opted to extend the past administration’s tax cuts, in an effort to stimulate the economy and to fully recover from the effects of the great recession. This move is quite ironic as the 2 Presidents came from the opposing camps of Republicans and Democrats. Though they have pushed for the same tax agenda, Democrats positions are said to be Keynesian influenced, while Republicans are influenced by supply side theory, which they say is the complete opposite of Keynesians. Originally, it was the Democrats who were pushing for the tax cuts. Kennedy and Johnson’s administration in 1960’s pushed for tax cuts. However in recent history, the scenario was reversed Reagan and Bush both belonging to Republican have implemented tax cuts (Chuck). 1.On the positive note, the tax cut helped to stimulate the economy as people with low income were able to buy more than usual. Under Bush administration’s Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), the child tax credit was increased 100% ; estate and gift taxes were repealed and income tax rates were reduced. 2. On the negative side, critics argued that tax cuts have benefitted mostly the 5% of the US population who are paying about $470 Billion of the total income tax revenue, while the next 20% of the population pays about a total of $260 billion and the 3rd who comprised the 25% of the population pays about $120 billion and the bottom earners who comprised the majority 50% of the population pays a total amount of $35 billion collectively (David,2005) .By merely looking at the figures, its simple to see that tax cuts indeed benefitted the elite 5% of America’s population. 3. Consequently, tax cuts dramatically lessens government budget and increases public deficit and national government’s debt. Concretely the tax cuts under Bush administration have hurt badly the health sector. Americare reported that due to dwindling

BUS503 - Org. Change and Transformation Mod 5 Case Assignment Essay

BUS503 - Org. Change and Transformation Mod 5 Case Assignment - Essay Example Bahe (2005) tells us that the average employee responds to each change in the following way, disbelief and denial, anger and blame, reluctant acceptance, and the final stage. In each of these stages the employees are very needy and need to be kept informed. Unfortunately today, change happens so fast that the employee often only has time to get through this process and then start again making change a time consuming process for managers as well (Sherman, 2009). The possible sources of resistance from the structural point of view are many. Bahe (2005), tells us that there are six sources of resistance that are typical of most organizations. Those are identified as structural inertia, limited focus of change, group inertia, perceived threat to expertise, and threat to established resource allocations. Structural inertia is the process of actually running the business, policies and procedures etc. The idea is to keep the company moving forward so the question is, is there a threat to that? The focus of change, we have all seen. This happens when no everyone makes the change. For example, one department decides to go on and do it the way they always have even though the rest of the departments have changed. It might even take a little while to discover. When group inertia happens, there is usually a specialized group that attempts to stop the change such as a union. There is of course the perceived threat to expertise. If we make this change will my knowledge not be important any more, will a robot be doing my job? Power relationships are what leadership is all about. It can be good power or bad power but everyone needs certain amount of power to get the job done. It is not unusual for a leader to have spent some time building up different kinds of power in his position. If that is possibly going to be affected there is then huge resistance and a lot of that will come from managers.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Inclusion of the Physically Disabled in Mainstream Schools Essay

Inclusion of the Physically Disabled in Mainstream Schools - Essay Example Significant attempts to transform mainstream/state schools and make them more inclusive to the physically disabled students have been made in UK. However, a lot requires to be done to make the mainstream schools completely accommodating to the disabled students. This paper focuses on the measures that mainstream schools in United Kingdom have taken to be more inclusive and meet the needs of the physically disabled. Additionally, the paper will focus on how successful or unsuccessful these measures have been in different institutions and whether the success depends on the resources that the schools have to their disposal. In the recent past, the UK government has dedicated itself to ensuring that all children get equal access to quality education irrespective of their diversity. However, the governments’ objective has not been fully successful. Physically disabled children are one of the groups of people that have been discriminated against in most societies. Investigations the UK education department show that most mainstream schools lacked devices to support disabled student particularly before introduction of the inclusion program. According to the medical model, most people view disability to be identical to disability or as a problem. However, other theories have been developed to counteract this notion. These theories include the post-social, affirmative, and the social models. These theories posit that impairment is not synonymous to disability. They argue that case of disability found amongst the physically challenged persons result since disabled are often not provided with the appropriate environment to reveal they potential. This can be demonstrated by simple aspects such as lack of elevators in most state school, which makes it almost impossible for children using wheelchairs to attend such schools. These contemporary models have greatly contributed to the changes in mainstream school in London to make them more accommodative for the disabled students. Accommodation of the disabled in mainstream schools is in line with the social model, which argues that segregating of the impaired people is irreverent and a sign of oppression. Most efforts made have been to improve the schools and accommodate individuals with impairments such as blindness, deafness, or other impairments that make it impossible for individuals to use the same facilities with normal individuals. Post-social modelists argue that segregation make the persons with impairments pity themselves. The social and post-social models are among the models that have greatly influence the development of inclusion programs in UK (Clough and Corbett 5-11). In ensuring that the physically disabled access quality education, the learning environment must be altered. This is more important in cases where the disability requires the students to make use of supportive devices such as wheelchairs (Department for Education and Skills Web; Norwich 16-28). Importance of the Inclus ion Program Ensuring that persons with disability are not excluded from mainstream education has been the most significant move in guaranteeing equal opportunities for all. There are a several reasons why inclusion of the physically disabled in the mainstream schools is important in UK. One of the reasons is because education is considered crucial in

International Finance & Capital Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

International Finance & Capital Markets - Essay Example The company has the desire to acquire China COSCO Holdings Company Limited, which is mainly a logistics and shipping supplier company. The plan for acquisition is evaluated in order to examine whether it will be a success for both the companies. Babcock International had been planning for expansion internationally for the past few years. However, they were targeting the Chinese market in particular. The acquisition plan has been in the negotiation stage and thus there is a need for providing the Board of Directors of Babcock International with recommendations from the financial director regarding the collaboration with COSCO. The cross border acquisition brings a number of issues like the exchange rate risk along with the cross border trade. The plan is evaluated by evaluating the solvency, liquidity and the profitability position of both the companies. The balance sheet of the companies is compared in order to make a decision regarding the collaboration plan. The recent acquisitions of Babcock International are also examined in order to evaluate the strength of the company and get an idea whether it is capable for the acquisition of COSCO. Introduction Babcock International Group PLC is an established company in United Kingdom which is the part of the European Union (EU). The European economy is the world’s largest importer globally in 2011 (16.4%). It is also the largest exporter in the world, exporting 15.4% of all the exports across the globe. Rules and regulations are very strict in EU which possesses restrictions to the companies at different levels of business. Thus it is important for Babcock to obey the rules and regulations of the country and take decision regarding the acquisition China COSCO. The EU also provides investors with a unique market for investment after passing the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in 2008. Merger and acquisition is viewed as the change agent for any company. The action is taken for expanding or co ntracting the basic operation of the firm which is also known as corporate restructuring. There are different types of acquisition which includes the cross border, local country and home country acquisition. Babcock is panning for cross border acquisition as it is deciding to acquire China COSCO which is leading logistics and shipping Supplier Company in China. The acquisition plan of China COSCO by Babcock will be successful if the following conditions are fulfilled: 1) The creditors and the properties of China COSCO are protected by courts. 2) Babcock has clear knowledge regarding China COSCO. 3) The growth of China COSCO encourages rapid market penetration of China. 4) The entry barriers are considerably high. 5) The cultural difference between UK and China are low. 6) Babcock is relatively larger than size of China COSCO. 7) Babcock has the ability to take the risk of acquisition. 8) Babcock has experience of the local markets of China. 9) Babcock is quite late in entering China market (Clark, 2002) The above conditions are necessary to be fulfilled if the acquisition has to be successful. Babcock has a plan for entering the markets of China for a long time. The proposal of the acquisition is examined by evaluating the financial strengths of both the companies. The benefits of the investors are also concentrated upon. The negotiation

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Inclusion of the Physically Disabled in Mainstream Schools Essay

Inclusion of the Physically Disabled in Mainstream Schools - Essay Example Significant attempts to transform mainstream/state schools and make them more inclusive to the physically disabled students have been made in UK. However, a lot requires to be done to make the mainstream schools completely accommodating to the disabled students. This paper focuses on the measures that mainstream schools in United Kingdom have taken to be more inclusive and meet the needs of the physically disabled. Additionally, the paper will focus on how successful or unsuccessful these measures have been in different institutions and whether the success depends on the resources that the schools have to their disposal. In the recent past, the UK government has dedicated itself to ensuring that all children get equal access to quality education irrespective of their diversity. However, the governments’ objective has not been fully successful. Physically disabled children are one of the groups of people that have been discriminated against in most societies. Investigations the UK education department show that most mainstream schools lacked devices to support disabled student particularly before introduction of the inclusion program. According to the medical model, most people view disability to be identical to disability or as a problem. However, other theories have been developed to counteract this notion. These theories include the post-social, affirmative, and the social models. These theories posit that impairment is not synonymous to disability. They argue that case of disability found amongst the physically challenged persons result since disabled are often not provided with the appropriate environment to reveal they potential. This can be demonstrated by simple aspects such as lack of elevators in most state school, which makes it almost impossible for children using wheelchairs to attend such schools. These contemporary models have greatly contributed to the changes in mainstream school in London to make them more accommodative for the disabled students. Accommodation of the disabled in mainstream schools is in line with the social model, which argues that segregating of the impaired people is irreverent and a sign of oppression. Most efforts made have been to improve the schools and accommodate individuals with impairments such as blindness, deafness, or other impairments that make it impossible for individuals to use the same facilities with normal individuals. Post-social modelists argue that segregation make the persons with impairments pity themselves. The social and post-social models are among the models that have greatly influence the development of inclusion programs in UK (Clough and Corbett 5-11). In ensuring that the physically disabled access quality education, the learning environment must be altered. This is more important in cases where the disability requires the students to make use of supportive devices such as wheelchairs (Department for Education and Skills Web; Norwich 16-28). Importance of the Inclus ion Program Ensuring that persons with disability are not excluded from mainstream education has been the most significant move in guaranteeing equal opportunities for all. There are a several reasons why inclusion of the physically disabled in the mainstream schools is important in UK. One of the reasons is because education is considered crucial in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Accounting and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Accounting and Society - Essay Example However, no such conclusion was provided within the video as to which perspective is better of the two. This creates a knowledge gap and thus provides the researchers with the opportunity to bridge the gap by setting forth an in depth research regarding the best perspective that should be implemented in accounting practices. Previous literatures have suggested that the arguments in favour of implementing the pro regulation perspective of accounting and arguments against the utilization of free market perspective have been influenced by political, social, economic and research consequences. Thus the primary objective of this research is to do a critical evaluation providing evidence regarding the implementation of the above mentioned approaches. The paper will also highlight the political, social, economic and research influences that have historically impacted on the level of accounting regulation in a developed economy with established security markets. Following the in-depth analys is of the factors, remarks will be put forward as to which accounting standard should be implemented. In order to carry on the research efficiently and effectively specific set of tasks will be divided between the two members. One member of the group will be primarily responsible for doing a critical evaluation of the pro-regulation perspective whereas the other member will be assigned with the responsibility of analyzing the free market perspective.... Extensive literature review will be done in order to justify every comment that will be made. The literatures that will form the groundwork of this research are peer reviewed journals that cover different aspects of these accounting regulation perspectives. Three peer reviewed articles will be used in order to explain the implementation of the literature in order to explain the topic of issue. In addition to that, the video that has been used as the basis for initiating the research process will also serve as a useful resource. The overall time frame required for this research is 2 months. The tasks that will be performed over the course of these 2 months have been explained in the following table. Timeline (Source: Author’s creation) PART B Previous literatures in the field of accounting regulation acknowledged the social, economic, and political factors that are associated with the advancements made in the accounting rules and explained the events that led to the formulation of different regulatory frameworks that are internationally accepted. Those literatures have also highlighted the aims and purposes of accounting regulation and also identified the necessity for imposing these rules from many different perspectives, particularly, the social, economic and professional perspectives.  The present study endeavours to gather and to contrast in one place the different perspectives regarding the pro-regulations and free market approach to accounting practices. This study will only include reference papers and articles which have explained and established the theory of accounting regulation. Thus issues that have been discussed within this essay are not exhaustive they do not necessarily represent the last research dealing with these issues.   The relevance of

Hunger Games Essay Essay Example for Free

Hunger Games Essay Essay In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins the characters are put to the ultimate test to survive or end up dead. In dangerous and life threatening wilderness situations, one needs hunting skills, physical strength and mental strength in order to overcome the odds. One needs hunting skills to overcome the odds in a dangerous or life threatening wilderness situation. Peeta mentions Katniss’s hunting skills â€Å"She’s excellent, my father always comments on how the arrow never pierces the body, she this everyone in the eye†. This quote shows that if Katniss is ever starving she can rely on her skills to guarantee her a kill. Katniss also killed a deer with her bow, so she could provide food for her family so they did not starve and die. If you did not have good skills with a bow you would not be able to take down a deer, and if you relied on that for food you would probably starve. Also when Katniss finds the careers supplies she shoots the bag of apples so they fall and trigger the mines. By shooting the bag of apples it shows how accurate Katniss is with a bow, you also need this accuracy for hunting and killing in the games, and real life to guarantee a kill. Along with hunting skills one will need physical strength to overcome the odds in a life threatening wilderness situation. Katniss: â€Å"I’m fast though, and by the time they’ve reached the base of my trunk I’m twenty feet up†. If you were out in the wilderness and you had to climb a tree you would need physical strength like Katniss had. Another example of physical strength, Katniss: â€Å"I can see the muscles ripple in Cato’s arms as he sharply jerks the boys head to the side†. When Cato kills the boy it shows that you will need physical strength if you ever had to engage in hand to hand combat. Along with hunting skills and physical strength you also need to have mental strength. Katniss: â€Å"the Tracker Jackers begin to buzz and I can hear them coming out, back and forth, back and forth, the branch with the nest crashes down through the lower branches†. Sometimes you will just have to push through things, even if they hurt and in the end it will pay off, you just have to want it bad enough. Another example of mental strength is when Katniss is forced to pretend to love Peeta.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Team work

Organizational Behavior and Team work Managers are born on job; Leaders are born when they are seven The above statement well is the reflective saying of the basic difference between Management and leadership theory. A managers main task includes organizing, controlling, planning and directing the activities in an organization to produce profitable results. A manager could possess leadership skills and make its use in some scenarios but leadership alone is not efficient for a manager and hence not essential. A manager performs activities as per the rules of the organization while leaders do things based on their own instinct which sometimes does prove more rewarding for the company. Leaders are selected to lead a team of members but sometimes it has a negative impact on the team as well. I would like to draw out some points from an well known leading software company INFOSYS to evaluate as what the best in this organization amongst leadership and management. This Paper will give an understanding of teamwork and the techniques and procedures required to contribute to and lead an effe ctive team. This work then goes on to cover the tools and techniques needed to enables learners to select a process or part for improvement and apply continuous improvement techniques in any organization in this supersonic era. Skills required for Leaders and Managers Have willing followers Get results through other people Use influence Must have authority The right to lead is earned from followers The right to manage is granted by ownership Have personal power and position power Intend to make changes Produce goods and services At any time, a follower can walk away and follow a different leader, or simply stop following The leader with heart and soul and just do what it takes to get by. Leaders cannot impose their vision on anyone or force anyone to follow them. There are informal leaders in every organization. They have no position power, no authority, no title; but they have influence, personal power, and followers. Leadership is not a title or a position; it is the earned right to lead, positively or negatively, by those who follow. If we think back about people with we have enjoyed working with. Were they leaders or Managers? Hopefully we have experienced, and enjoyed, both. Recognizing the Differences, whatever we are, be the best manager or leader we can be. There is a difference INDUSTRY I chosen the Top most Software Company which is adopting world class learning corporate systems giving its best in this supersonic competitive world. Infosys This is one of the leading software companies which have its headquarters in India. It is ranked as the second leading It companies that is present in India. It have spread worldwide and it finds its place in almost 22 countries around the world which includes U.S, U.K, Canada, and Australia and may more. This was founded by Mr.: N. R. Narayana murthy along with his seven of his friends which mainly concentrates on the software development of the company. This concern really increases the economic growth of the country. It also serves the country by eradicating of unemployment crisis, serving the poor and the Orphanage people in the country. Role of Leadership Leadership in Infosys is extensively concerned as one of the companys greatest conspicuous features and its function in forming the organization and its group has been written about significantly. Executive vice-president of human resources Pratik Kumar, at rival Wipro, explains Infosys as a very ambition story. This success, says Kumar has come through its set of leaders with strong values and teamwork. Infosys is also considered as being founder-led by many both inside and beyond the organization. A few months ago, Infosys established a recent policy making council and has produced more non-founders into the core management of the company in order to dispel this notion and to strengthen its next generation of leaders. Performance management Infosys Believes that the most guaranteed way of improving teamwork is to applying the principles of performance management to the groups behaviors They are as follows: Identifying teamwork behaviors will lead to best performance (the TARGET Performance) Analyzing which teamwork behaviors are currently being used (the CURRENT Performance) Practical analysis between target and current teamwork Performance, and taking action to bring current teamwork performance closer to the target. 1. TARGET Performance Recognizing and control of difficulties is likely among them such as, executives and clients. Making it easy to discussion among the working group, and the others beyond the group in order to have better functioning. Broadening the view of working on operational objectives, to their best interest, to make difference in their objectives. 2. Current Performance Present situation The ethics in business The opinions beyond the working group The likeness, chosen by the group There are number of influences Innovative Training process Infosys strongly believe in the innovation training process in making global leaders. This helps to mingle the customers and the company in a productive way. They clearly understand that the company revenue factor increases once if they handle the client with almost care and sincerity. Innovative steps and new ideas are always welcomed by Infosys in making strong team. They believe that Business depends on the operational leaders On the other hand they believe in the faster innovation learning process which helps the industry to grow in a fruitful path. Henceforth they depend upon the increasing speed factors for improving continues skills depending on the challenges. Infosys understands very well that the success is growing only because of the hard work, dedication provided by the employee. Therefore building a strong relationship and helping the team is essential for the concern to keep upon. Infosys mainly focus and take all possible steps to understand the team in all aspects. ha s a fine blend of diverse breeds of employees with different mentalities. Managers task here is to get the best out of these people to acquire optimal results and client recognition. Learning Objectives Achievement by Infosys falls the way of defining the sentient by powerful stages. Infosys chooses that the personnel absorb the tasks at hand and the objectives by 29 percent more incoming of comparing the other firms. (Watson Wyatt Work Study). The staff chooses their tasks to a better figure as 75% as the industrys assignment assay turned of how the executive is performed (workplace 2006 Infosys Employee Insight Survey). To be recognized and respected as one of the premier associations of HR Professionals. (HR Association of Greater Detroit) The individuals concept essay for every personnel may set-in as straight forward of few utterances on paper or more to achieve further as to become contend as part of the team at Infosys. . . Learning Techniques Learn the modern leadership styles. Infosys follow Participative style, Consulting style, Negotiate style, Delegative style, Directive style. As per the recent studies leaders are very comfortable using these styles. Once these styles are achieved by them, then they learn leadership styles. They believe that if we master them all then they can become a better leader. Improving communication skills. They try to spend at least one hour a day talking to team on how they are performing. If staff are doing well, then they are in part doing their job well. Prioritize your time. Providing time to work out and establish them self is the best quality which employees have in Infosys. This does not occur by chance, because they think that the best leaders are organized and prepared for the week and the months and even in further years. This is in identifying both long period strategic planning and short period operational. Sandwich technique Infosys keep on with this technique where they first begin talking to a person in a good way, then put the difficult subject or hard topic in the middle, then also end on a positive suggestion. This seems much better than just mentioning the negative matters to a staff member. Suppose a sandwich or a burger. begin with the bread on the top which is the discussion, then the burger Pattie is the difficult subject, then the lowest part of the burger is the conclusion of another positive declaration about that person. These are the few steps that Infosys follow to build Leaders in a successful team. What makes a good Leader in Infosys? To become a good leader these are the qualities needed experienced knows what to do productive problem solver Open minded listens Supportive challengeable, makes it safe for others to contribute Personal initiative Positive style Problem Solving Technique In Infosys Team Identification of the problem establish a cooperative setting concur on values for discussion Invite all opinions stay fact-based in our verdicts Be durable on the subjects, not on each other Put in reserve any individual memo exterior any supposition and prejudice classify and examine the issues, pertinent proofs, and enhanced replies recognize conceivable resolutions and their benefits and disaffects Solve the single inquiry which is the most wanted resolution? MAJOR CLIENTS They serve Aerospace, Banking and capital markets, Automobile, communication services, education, Health care, Insurance, manufacturing, Retail and utilities. Major IT services are covered by this company. This includes Application services, architecture services. Independent validation service, Infrastructure service, Knowledge services, and system Integration services. TEAM GATHERING Infosys strongly believe in team gathering on every week that is on Friday to discuss the progress of various projects and issues if faced any. Our managers used to be with us for the call. Manager should always present in the office to guide new project and make sure that everything is working smoothly. In this gathering managers will be in conference across the globe to highlight points about the management team and performance. LACKING LEADERSHIP If I talk about every single team in Infosys, the senior members in the team play the role of a team leader. Infosys always welcome fresh talents from IIMs and premier B Schools in India apart from recognizing in house talent. Whenever a fresh manager joins a team, there are chances of role conflicts between manager and the team leader. There is always a problem with existing senior employees to listen to a new leader or manager because they feel that they know the process well than them and could take suitable decisions which is true to some extent at that point of time. Leaders take blame if any issue or problem arises within their team and they give credit where it is due. I would like to write down few instances or observations where I felt leadership team work to be improved Leaders in various teams taking credit for junior developers work, which is not expected of a leader. During major project launches, developers were asked by managers to handle specific tasks within a decide d time frame. Leaders always set new direction for the team but the way of working in a corporate ike Infosys is established. CONCLUSION Taking decisions by Management should be improved for continues learning.Comapany should takes all the facts relating to the employment which emphasis individual task, development of organization, quantitative output and the compliance of employee. Management favors quality, recognition, performance, flexibility and the rights of employment relations. The open management system explored the superiority of human resource and considered it as the backbone of every organization. The business strategy comprise of career development of an individual, relationship among employees, team work and the task. All those severe rules were destroyed for the orientation of the business; achieve proactive measures and the self regulation (Dessler, 2003). Hence duty of a Company became a long-term strategy and it completely resides only for team build up and team performance. (Beardwell, 2004) REFERANCES LaFasto, F. and Larson, C. (2001) When Teams Work Best (Sage Publications) pages 29 and 85 . Greenberg, J.R. Baron, R.A. (2000). Behavior in Organizations, Seventh Edition. Prentice Hall: New Jersey. Laurie.J.Mullins, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Financial Times Management; 5th edition (May 1999) Ancona, Deborah G., Thomas Kochran, John Van Maanen, Maureen Scully and Eleanor Westney,  Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes (New York: Southwestern College Publishing, 3rd ed., 2005). Web links (Accessed on 7/03/2010) (Accessed on 7/03/2010) (Accessed on 8/03/2010) (Accessed on 9/03/2010)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Political Philosophy Essay examples -- Politics Essays

Political Philosophy Part One (Question 2) Aristotle, Locke, and Hobbes all place a great deal of importance on the state of nature and how it relates to the origin of political bodies. Each one, however, has a different conception of what a natural state is, and ultimately, this leads to a different conception of what a government should be, based on this natural state. Aristotle’s feelings on the natural state of man is much different than that of modern philosophers and leads to a construction of government in and of itself; government for Hobbes and Locke is a departure from the natural state of man. Aristotle’s emphasis is on the city-state, or the political world as a natural occurrence. He says â€Å"every city-state exists by nature, since the first communities do.† (Aristotle 3). Aristotle continually reiterates the notion that the creation of a community comes from necessity; individuals aim at the highest good of all, happiness, through their own rationality, and the only way to achieve happiness is through the creation of the city-state. Aristotle follows the creation of a household and a village to the creation of the city-state in which citizens are able to come together to aim at the â€Å"good which has the most authority of all,† (Aristotle 1) happiness. In turn, this necessity for the formation of a city state comes from the idea of man as a rational being. â€Å"It is also clear why a human being is more of a political animal than a bee or any other gregarious animal†¦ no animal has speech except for a human being.† (Aristotle 4). For Aristotle, human beings are political animals because of their ability to speak, their ability to communicate pleasures and desires, and their ability to reason. Aristotle’s state com... ...ased on their heritage as nobles or the virtues of their fathers. Burke states that â€Å"there is no qualification for government but virtue and wisdom,† (Burke 561). The most compelling argument for Burke against Locke is his idea that â€Å"government is not made in virtue of natural rights, which may and do exist in total independence of it†¦ but their abstract perfection is their practical defect.† (Burke 564). Burke looks at the rights laid out by Locke and Rousseau and scoffs at them, stating that they have no merit in the real world, attractive as they are in principle. He believes that the pretended rights of these theorists are all extremes, and are therefore morally and politically false. Burke believes that â€Å"the rights of men are in a sort of middle,† (Burke 565), and their incapability of definition completely contradicts the extreme rights as defined by Locke.

Friday, October 11, 2019

freedol Noras Freedom in Ibsens A Dolls House Essay example -- A Do

Nora's Freedom in The Doll House      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nora is initially introduced as a macaroon-loving, naà ¯ve individual constantly trying to please her husband.   However, when the audience discovers that she borrowed the funds that allowed her and her husband to travel to Italy for a year in order to save Torvald from certain harm, Nora demonstrates that she is actually a much stronger character than originally portrayed.   However, the real problem lies with the way in which she burrowed the money.   In order to get the cash, Nora forged her father's signature.   As a result, she is in debt to the man who leant her the money, Nils Krogstad.    Within the context of modern times, Nora's crime appears almost daring and creative, rather than completely criminal (Egan 67).   In comparison, Torvald's reactions to Nora's crimes seem almost cruel and unimaginative.   When he scolds Nora's father for a similar failure to secure proper signatures and condemns Nils for doing the same, he appears to be an unsympathetic individual.   He scolds people and judges them for their actions without considering why the may have done what they did.    Furthermore, the household in which Nora and Torvald live in is completely patriarchal, again demonstrating Torvald's limited imagination.   He gives Nora very little power and very little credit, when she appears to be much more imaginative than him.   Within the house's walls, all items exist for one purpose: to entertain Torvald.   Also, Torvald appears to lack the understanding that other people may be interested in other things, and that there are people on this planet who should be considered within the same class as him.      The play was initially seen as an attempt to express the conflict... ... Henrick Ibsen: A Biography.   Garden City: Doubleday, 1971.    The student may wish to begin the essay with the quote below:    Good grief, can't you understand?   The old man never existed; that was only something I'd dream up time and again whenever I was at my wits' end for money.   But it makes no difference now; the old fossil can go where he pleases for all I care; I don't need him or his will-because now I'm free.   Oh, how lovely to think of that, Kristine!   Carefree!   To now you're carefree, utterly carefree; to be able to romp and play with the children, ,and to keep up a beautiful,   charming home-everything just the way Torvald likes it!  Ã‚   And think, spring is coming, with big blue skies.   Maybe we can travel a little then.   Maybe I'll see the ocean again.. Oh yes, it is so marvelous to live and be happy!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   --Nora in The Doll House.

Acid-Base Buffers

CHEMICAL REACTIONS: ACID-BASE BUFFERS Short Overview Acids and bases represent two of the most common classes of compounds. Many studies have been done on these compounds, and their reactions are very important. Perhaps the most important reaction is the one in which an acid and base are combined, resulting in the formation of water (in aqueous solution) and a salt; this reaction is called neutralization. A buffer solution is a solution that contains both an acid and a salt containing the conjugate base anion in sufficient concentrations so as to maintain a relatively constant pH when either acid or base is added.In this experiment you will prepare a buffer solution and observe its behavior when mixed both with an acid and a base. You will also compare the behavior with that of solutions containing only the acid. Theory In his theory of ionization in the 1880’s, Svante Arrhenius defined acids are substances which form H+ and bases as substances which form OH- in water. He furt her defined a salt as a substance other than an acid or base which forms ions in aqueous solution. Such substances are thus capable of producing an electric current and are called electrolytes.The amount of electricity produced is directly proportional to the concentration of ions in solution. With regard to electrolytes we have learned previously that strong acids and strong bases ionize completely, and are therefore strong electrolytes because they produce a large electric current. Soluble salts are the other type of strong electrolytes. We also learned that weak acids and weak bases ionize only partially in solution, producing smaller quantities of current; these substances are called weak electrolytes. Materials which do not produce an electric current are called nonelectrolytes.To complete our understanding, we concluded that strong electrolytes exist primarily as ions in solution, while weak electrolytes exist as both ions and molecules in solution. Nonelectrolytes must exist as polar molecules only in solution. While it is useful, the Arrhenius definition of acids and bases is limited to aqueous solutions. This may seem insignificant to a student in introductory chemistry or general chemistry, but it imposes restrictions for understanding more advanced topics. As such, we now introduce two additional definitions of acids and bases, which expand our understanding. | |Acid | |Base | | | | | | | |Arrhenius | |forms H+ in water | |forms OH- in water | |Bronsted-Lowry | |donates H+ (proton) to base | |accepts H+ (proton) from acid | |Lewis | |accepts electron pair from base | |donates electron pair to acid |The Bronsted-Lowry concept of acids and bases was introduced by Johannes Bronsted and Thomas Lowry in 1923, and led to an understanding of many proton transfer reactions observed to occur in both non-aqueous and aqueous solutions. Gilbert Newton Lewis quickly recognized that a substance which is a proton acceptor must also be one which contains an unshare d valence electron pair to accept the positive charge. He therefore proposed his own theory of acids and bases based upon electron transfer rather than proton transfer. The Lewis acid-base concept is the most general and allows us to understand reactions which may not involve proton transfer. However, the Bronsted-Lowry concept provides the simplest description of acid-base buffer solutions, and it is this one which we will utilize in further discussion.We will use the formula HA for an acid and B: for a base in our discussion. Accordingly, the reaction between an acid and base is described by [1]. HA + B: (:A- + BH+ [1] In the reaction above, the products which are produced are :A-. and BH+. :A- is called the conjugate base of HA because it has donated a proton (H+) to the base B: . Likewise, BH+ is the conjugate acid of B: since it has accepted the proton from HA. The substances HA and :A- are called a conjugate acid-base pair. Likewise, BH+ and B: are also a conjugate acid-base p air. Some common acid-base pairs are: H3O1+ / H2OH2O / OH1-HCl / Cl1- HNO3 / NO31-H2SO4 / HSO41-HSO41- / SO42-CH3COOH / CH3COO1-(acetate)NH41+ / NH3(ammonium) H2CO3 / HCO31-(bicarbonate)H2PO41- / HPO42- (phosphate) The first two pairs show that hydronium ion and hydroxide ion are the conjugate acid and base, respectively, of water. It is the relative concentration of these two ions that determine whether a solution is acidic ([H3O+] > [OH-]), basic ([H3O+] < [OH-]), or neutral ([H3O+] = [OH-]). To accomplish this, we measure the pH of the solution. A pH < 7 is acidic, pH >7 is alkaline (or basic), and pH = 7 is neutral. pH is defined by the equation pH = -log10 [H3O+]. An buffer solution must contain both a weak acid and a salt of its conjugate base.Since HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4 are all strong acids, these substances will ionize completely and their concentrations will be too insignificant to maintain constant pH values. On the other hand, a weak acid such as acetic acid, C H3COOH, only ionizes to a small extent, so the both the undissociated acid and its anion can exist in sufficient concentration in solution to maintain constant pH. When the acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer is prepared the following equilibrium is established. CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l) ( H3O1+ + CH3COO1-[2] The equilibrium constant expression for the reaction is Ka = [pic]= 1. 75 x 10-5 . Therefore, pH = pKa + log10[pic]. [3] Equation [3] above is called the Henderson-Hasselbach equation.The equation shows that because the acetate/acetic acid ratio does not change significantly during most reactions, thus resulting in a relatively constant pH. When a strong base such as sodium hydroxide is added, the acetic acid in the buffer reacts with the hydroxide ion to produce additional acetate ion ([4]). When a strong acid such as HCl is added to the buffer, the acetate ion will react with the hydronium ion to produce additional acetic acid ([5]). CH3COOH (aq) + OH1- > CH3COO1- + H2O (l)[4] CH3 COO1- + + H3O1+ > CH3COOH (aq) + H2O (l)[5] The predominant effect of the reactions is that the concentration of H3O+ and OH- do not increase or decrease significantly during the reactions.However, continued addition of NaOH will eventually consume all of the acetic acid present in the buffer, resulting in a sharp rise in pH. Likewise, addition of a large quantity of HCl will consume all of the acetate ion in the buffer, causing the pH to drop sharply. The amount of strong acid or strong base that can be added to a given volume of a buffer system without a significant change in pH (( 1 unit) is known as the buffering capacity. A buffer system such as CH3COOH / CH3COO1- is representative of an acidic buffer, because the molecular component is a weak acid. On the other hand, a basic buffer solution would contain the acid salt of a weak base in addition to the weak base itself. The NH41+ / NH3 buffer is an example of a basic buffer.Biological systems use buffers to maintain ambient phy siological conditions. In this regard the bicarbonate and phosphate buffers listed earlier are the two most significant buffers of body fluids. (See the article â€Å"Chemistry and Life: Blood as a Buffered Solution† on page 669 of Chemistry: The Central Science, 9th Ed. , Brown, LeMay, & Bursten. For more background information, you should review chapter 16 â€Å"Acid-Base Equilibria† in Chemistry: The Central Science, 9th Ed. , . Exercise 1. Examination of the Buffer Properties of a Diprotic Acid Salt, Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate [pic][pic] potassium hydrogen phthalatephthalate A. Chemicals and ApparatusChemicals: Water Solids:potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4 , KHP, 204. 22 g/mole) Solutions: 0. 10 M HCl(aq) , 0. 10 M NaOH(aq) (from Acid-Base Titrations experiment), pH 7 buffer solutions Apparatus: Balances, beakers, burets, buret clamps, Erlenmeyer flasks, graduated cylinders, hot plate, pH meters, ring stands, volumetric pipets, pipet pumps, volumetric flask s Safety Equipment: goggles, gloves, hood. Objectives:In this experiment you will learn to: 1. prepare a 0. 10 M KHP solution from a solid and water 2. prepare a solution of the phthalate anion from 0. 10 M KHP and NaOH solutions 3. repare a buffer solution containing both the hydrogen phthalate and the phthalate ions 4. measure the pH of the buffer solution 5. measure the pH as HCl is added to the buffer solution 6. measure the pH as NaOH is added to the buffer solution 7. compare the buffer solution with both a strong acid and a weak acid B. Procedure Part I. Preparation of Solutions CAUTION: Use extreme caution while handling the burets, volumetric pipets, and volumetric flasks. (Student 1) 1. Obtain 250 mL of distilled water in a 400-mL beaker from the DW tap at the sink between the two hoods on the side wall. Add 3 teflon boiling chips to the water, and boil the water for five minutes on a hot plate set on medium high.This will drive off dissolved CO2 from the water which may i nterfere with the experiment. Allow the water to cool to room temperature. 2. Obtain a pH meter from the instructor. Remove the rubber tip from the electrode and place the electrode in a beaker containing 10 mL of pH 7 buffer. Soak the electrode in the buffer solution for five minutes to condition the electrode. Discard the buffer in the sink. 3. Refer to the instructions for using the pH meter. Standardize the meter to pH 7. 00 using a fresh sample of pH 7 buffer. (Student 2) 4. Obtain the following items from the instructor: 1 100-mL volumetric flask, with stopper 2 burets, 2 buret clamps, and 2 ring stands 2 10-mL volumetric pipets, and pipet pumpsAttach the buret clamp to the ring stand. 5. Clean the flask with soap and water, and rinse carefully with two 10-mL portions of distilled water. 6. Clean the burets with tap water, followed by two rinses with distilled water. Then place each buret in the buret clamp on the ring stand. Label one of the burets â€Å"NaOH† and the other one â€Å"HCl†. 7. Clean the pipets with tap water, followed by two rinses with distilled water. Label one pipetâ€Å"A† and the other â€Å"B†. 8. Pour 125 mL of 0. 10 M NaOH from the hood into a 250-mL beaker. Label the beaker. Record the concentration on line 16 of your lab report. 9. Pour 80 mL of 0. 10 M HCl from the hood into a 150-mL beaker. Label the beaker. 10.If it is open, close the stopcock on the â€Å"NaOH† buret. Use a funnel to pour approximately 10 mL of 0. 10 M NaOH into the buret. Remove the buret from the buret clamp and roll the buret in your hands to allow the NaOH to coat the inside of the buret. Discard the rinse into a 30-mL beaker through the stopcock. 11. Return the buret to the buret clamp and close the stopcock. Now fill the buret with 0. 10 M NaOH to one inch above the 0-mL mark. Open the stopcock to drain the buret to 0. 0 mL in the 30-mL beaker, thus removing any air bubbles in the buret tip. Discard the rinse into th e sink. 12. Repeat steps 10 and 11 for the â€Å"HCl† buret, using 0. 0 M HCl instead of NaOH. The same 30-mL beaker can be used to collect the drain. (Student 1) Preparation of 0. 10 M KHP(aq) . 13. Using the electronic balance, obtain a sample of potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHC8H4O4, â€Å"KHP†) with a mass between 2. 0 g and 2. 1 g. Record the mass of the sample to three decimal places in your notebook. 14. Transfer the KHP sample to the 100-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in approximately 40 mL of boiled distilled water. Then add boiled distilled water to the flask until the bottom of the meniscus is even with the mark on the neck of the flask. (Use an eyedropper from your desk to add the last few drops of water. ) 15.Stopper the flask, and turn it upside down three or four times to mix the solution totally. Transfer the KHP solution to a clean 250-mL beaker. Label the solution as you have been instructed. 16. Determine the concentration of the KHP solution. Pr eparation of 0. 025 M KHP / 0. 025 M Phthalate ion Buffer Solution. (Student 1) 17. Use pipet â€Å"A† to transfer 25. 0 mL of the 0. 10 M KHP solution prepared above into a clean 250-mL beaker. Record the volume on the lab report. 18. Use a graduated cylinder to add 25. 0 mL of boiled distilled water to the KHP. Mix the solution thoroughly. (Student 2) 19. Use pipet â€Å"A† to transfer 25. 0 mL of your 0. 10 M KHP solution into a clean 100-mL beaker.Record the volume on the lab report. 20. Read the volume of liquid in the buret to (0. 05 mL. You will need to estimate the last digit; remember, buret readings increase from top to bottom. Record the initial buret reading on the lab report. Make certain your eye level is even with the bottom of the meniscus. A piece of white paper behind the buret will assist you in reading the volume. 21. Place the beaker under the tip of the buret and add 25. 0 mL of 0. 10 M NaOH from the buret to the solution. Stir the solution as the NaOH is added to thoroughly mix the solution. Record the final buret reading to (0. 05 mL on the lab report. This solution which you just prepared contains 0. 50 M phthalate ion. 22. Refill the buret to the 0-mL mark with 0. 10 M NaOH. 23. Pour the phthalate ion solution which you prepared into the 250-mL beaker containing the KHP solution (Step 18, Student 1). Label the solution as â€Å"Buffer†. You have now prepared 100 mL of a buffer solution containing 0. 025 M potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) and 0. 025 M potassium sodium phthalate (â€Å"phthalate ion†). Part II. Measurement of pH and Determination of Buffer Capacity. (Student 1) 1. Transfer 10. 0 mL of 0. 10 M HCl from the buret to a clean 150-mL beaker. Add 10. 0 mL of boiled distilled water to the beaker. Stir the mixture and measure the pH with the pH meter.Record the measurement on the lab report. 2. Place the beaker under the buret containing the 0. 10 M NaOH. Record the initial volume of NaOH in the bu ret to (0. 05 mL. Add 1. 0 mL of NaOH to the HCl solution. Stir the mixture and record the new volume of NaOH in the buret and pH on the lab report. 3. Add another 1. 0 mL of NaOH to the beaker. Stir and record the volume and pH on the lab report. Repeat this process until a total of 15 mL of NaOH has been added. 4. Discard the solution in the sink. Thoroughly clean the beaker with soap and water. Rinse the beaker twice with 5-mL portions of distilled water before proceeding to the next step. (Student 2) 5.Repeat steps 1 – 4 above using pipet â€Å"A† to transfer 10. 0 mL of 0. 10 M KHP solution to the beaker instead of 10. 0 mL of HCl. (Student 1) 6. Use pipet â€Å"B† to transfer 20. 0 mL of â€Å"Buffer† to a clean 150-mL beaker. Stir the solution and measure the pH with the pH meter. Record the measurement on the lab report. 7. Place the beaker under the buret containing the 0. 10 M NaOH. Record the initial volume of NaOH in the buret to (0. 05 mL. Ad d 1. 0 mL of NaOH to the buffer solution. Stir the mixture and record the new volume of NaOH in the buret and pH on the lab report. 8. Add another 1. 0 mL of NaOH to the beaker. Stir and record the volume and pH on the lab report.Repeat this process until a total of 10 mL of NaOH has been added. 9. Discard the solution in the sink. Thoroughly clean the beaker with soap and water. Rinse the beaker twice with 5-mL portions of distilled water before proceeding to the next step. (Student 2) 10. Repeat steps 6 – 9 above using pipet â€Å"B† to transfer 20. 0 mL of â€Å"Buffer† to the beaker. Titrate the buffer with 0. 10 M HCl instead of NaOH. C. Disposal All solutions may be discarded in the sink with plenty of running water. D. Data Analysis Use the graphing feature of Microsoft Excel or Vernier Graphical Analysis to create graphs of pH vs. mmol added for each of the four titrations.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Discuss how three or more important symbols add to your understanding of Of Mice and Men Essay

In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck portrays messages to the reader through various techniques, including the vivid animal imagery presented throughout the novella, most notably in Chapters 1 and 6. However, his most potent form of message conveying is through his use of symbolism. Interweaving light imagery and exercising characters as symbols into the text furthers the development of integral themes and plotlines throughout the turbulent story. From the â€Å"deep and green Salinas River† to the â€Å"right hand that had held the gun†, Steinbeck’s utilization of symbols contributes to the reader’s overall appreciation of the chaotic book, highlighting recurring themes such as loneliness. As was stated in the introduction, Steinbeck employs characters as symbols. The most familiar example of this is old Candy. Candy is a significant figure in Of Mice and Men, due to the likenesses between him and George. â€Å"I ain’t much good with on’y one hand†¦that’s why they give me a job swampin,’ Candy explains to George. As a swamper, this is all Candy has left. In 1930s America, a worker who could not work to his full potential, especially during the time of the Depression, would be replaced- Candy’s ultimate fear. That’s why he wants to â€Å"cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some† on Lennie and George’s land. Candy can lead a safe life, not having to worry about being â€Å"canned†. Candy’s stumped wrist is a result of an accident on the ranch. Candy is a prime example of being caught in the Migrant Worker’s Cycle- moving to one job, before leaving and moving somewhere else. A link can therefore be established with George, and Lennie, who appear to have been traveling around working before the time of Of Mice and Men. This is another case of the cyclic nature of the novella, and a reflection of the American way of life in the 1930s. Another example of Candy’s symbolic nature is with his â€Å"ancient dog†. This [Candy and his dog] is the first ‘relationship’ in the novella to be broken, with the final bond, George and Lennie, being destroyed at the climax. â€Å"‘No,’ he said softly. ‘No, I couldn’ do that. I had ‘im too long,'† explains Candy in Chapter 3, referring to the idea of killing his dog. This is very similar to George who, despite knowing Lennie will only cause grief to him and those around him, does not want to hurt him, because he too has been with his companion for a long time. Candy explains that, â€Å"I been around him so much I never notice how he stinks,† while George earlier says, â€Å"but you get used to goin’ around with a guy an’ you can’t get rid of him.'†- Another likeness between the two. George has his own dog, Lennie, who follows George around, maintaining silence in conversations and growing increasingly dependent on a master. During the novella, the recurrence of loneliness, and speculating at a lonesome finale, is ever present, especially in the form of playing cards. The bunkhouse is often the scene of the games, with George the dealer. This is significant, as George frequently exclaims his desire to be alone, â€Å"If I was alone I could live so easy.† However, solitude is George’s enemy, and he is fearful at the prospect of living alone. This is projected through his card playing, â€Å"Slim sat down†¦across from George†¦He studied the solitaire hand that was upside-down to him.† Inadvertently, George has dealt a game of solitaire- a single player game, an insinuation at the conclusion of the story, when George ultimately kills his companion. A similar event arises when Candy’s dog is led by Carlson to be shot. â€Å"‘Anybody like to play a little euchre?'† asks George. The key theme of loneliness is being forced away by George, who refuses to be alone, opting to ask the group to play cards. The constant reminding of impending solitude, and its effects, enable the reader to understand and fully interpret the inevitability of what is to come. Hands play a vital role in the symbolism of Of Mice and Men. There are various references to the hands of men, building up to the climatic noting, â€Å"right hand that had held the gun.† Despite the assortment of quotes in relation to hands, each has its own meaning. George’s â€Å"right hand† is the killing hand that seals his isolation in the world. Candy’s lack of a hand, accompanied by persistent referencing to his handicap, â€Å"Candy stood in the doorway scratching his bald wrist,† provides a stark reminder of the perils of working in 1930s America, stressing the importance of staying healthy. If an illness or injury affected the work rate of a person, they were often removed from their job- a brusque feature of Capitalism. The contextual relevance expands the fluency of the text for the reader, as the framework for the 1930s American society is commonly paralleled with the novella. With regards to Curley, his â€Å"glove’s fulla Vaseline†, which he’s â€Å"keepin’ soft for his wife.† This is one of many sexual references regarding Curley’s wife, who regularly symbolizes the contextual attraction of whorehouses and prostitutes to the migrant workers. As stated above, Curley’s wife’s character is sharply familiarized with prostitutes and the brothels of the 1930s American society. Her flirtatious nature is met with an everlasting disapproval from the workers on the ranch – Candy thinks, â€Å"Curley’s married†¦a tart,† who, â€Å"got the eye,† referring to her engaging character. However, in a letter to Miss Luce, the actress who plays Curley’s wife in the play version of the text, Steinbeck explains, â€Å"She is a nice, kind girl and not a floozy.† According to Steinbeck, â€Å"she is a little starved. She knows utterly nothing about sex except the mass of misinformation girls tell one another.† From this, we can deduce that Curley’s wife isn’t a â€Å"Looloo†, and she isn’t likely to be found in â€Å"Old Susy’s Place†, but due to the fact Curley and her have not consummated their marriage, she feels an object to men â €“ â€Å"no man has considered her as anything except a girl to try to make.† Curley’s wife, Steinbeck explains, is a nice person, and knows the only way men will notice her is if she is desirable. In Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife experiences loneliness, due to neglect from Curley, and she confesses this to Lennie, â€Å"‘Ain’t I got a right to talk to nobody?'† Since no one has tried talking to her, Curley’s wife has not proved to be anything more than a floozy, which explains the unpleasant behaviour towards her. It is interesting that, when Candy calls her a â€Å"tart†, there is a pause, as if to suggest caution. Further along in the conversation, Candy asks, â€Å"You won’t tell Curley nothing I said?† This implies that Candy is afraid Curley will learn of what he has been saying, as the ranch is the only work he’ll ever acquire, due to his old age and handicap. The threat of Curley’s wife to the workers intimidates them to the point of obeying her. Steinbeck’s pointed description of how Curley’s wife flagrantly flirts with the other workers is a repetition of the theme, which he has earlier shown, using the brothels and his showing of the women who work in them as being mere objects. It is almost as if Curley’s wife believes that the only way to get by in life is to be like those women in the brothel, and to offer herself as an object. This is the case in Chapter 4, when Crooks coldly exclaims, â€Å"You got no right comin’ in a coloured man’s room.† Curley’s wife uses her position as the boss’ son’s wife, and her contextual superiority over the Negro to threaten him, â€Å"I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.† This is threatening to Crooks, as one simple cry of ‘Rape’ will result in a lynching. Curley’s wife also knows that, despite the harmful comments made by the men on the ranch, she holds a distinct advantage over them – â€Å"Curley’s pretty handy.† – Curley could beat the worker, and get them fired, due to his position as the boss’ son. All but two of the workers fear Curley – Slim, â€Å"Slim†¦was scowling†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢You lay offa me,'† and Carlson – â€Å"‘I’ll kick your god-damn head off.'† Curley’s wife, therefore, can target the remainder of the men, and flirt with them, to further her position. This goes horribly wrong when she begins to pursue Lennie. Firstly, she re-establishes her coyness through Lennie’s dream, â€Å"‘Well if that’s all you want, I might get a couple rabbits myself.'† Then, in the barn house, she looks, â€Å"closely at Lennie to see whether she was impressing him,† another instance where she is trying to leave her mark on a worker. Curley’s wife seals her own fate by exclaiming, â€Å"‘Mine [Hair] is soft and fine†¦feel right here.'† This is the last ‘stage’ of Curley’s wife’s seduction – physical contact. She has seen for herself that Lennie likes to pet things, and she foolishly bids Lennie to stroke her hair, knowing full well he will. Lennie strokes too hard, and she â€Å"flops like a fish.† Steinbeck purposefully repeats this simile, as this has been used when Lennie crushes Curley’s hand. This shared simile between the married couple suggests similar characteristics between the two – most notably the volatile tempers of the two, â€Å"‘What’s the matter with me?’ she cried.† As the novella was written in 1930s America, the contextual content would be ever-present. However, coming off of the Depression, the American Dream had been damaged. This is highlighted by Curley’s wife, â€Å"I never got that letter,† referring to her failed career as an actress. â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural.† This is a prime example of the American Dream – a nobody becoming a somebody. However, as with the Depression and many lives in America, this Dream was shattered – â€Å"So I married Curley,† almost as if she married him to anger her mother, â€Å"‘I always thought my ol’ lady stole it.'† Curley’s wife can be classed as the Depression itself – the ender of dreams. The Depression ended the American Dream (Curley’s wife’s dream), as well as other people’s – in Of Mice and Men, Curley’s wife also ends Lennie and George’s dream, by enticing Lennie, which led to her death, and the end of the Dream. Putting this into reality, these small symbolizations, such as Curley’s wife ending Lennie and George’s dream, enhances the understanding of the novel, as the main contextual features are evidently clear, assisted by Steinbeck’s geographical knowledge of the area – Steinbeck was raised in the California area, and he worked on a farm – the descriptions of the landscape would therefore be accurate, blurring the line between fact and fiction. One of the most effective symbols that Steinbeck employs to the novel is that of animal imagery. Throughout the novel, Lennie is likened to a bear, due to numerous references, â€Å"sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.† The bear-like stance of Lennie suggests his ferocity and power aid him, but he is clumsy, and prone to attack, a true reflection of Lennie’s character. In the opening and final chapters in the novella, the moods are very different, yet similar. The evocative beginnings to each chapter contain repetition of â€Å"the deep green pool of the Salinas River,† whilst both being disrupted by man. The most significant part about these openings is the disposition of the disturbance – in Chapter 1, â€Å"the rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover, â€Å"whilst in Chapter 6, Lennie’s intrusion is â€Å"as silent as a creeping bear moves,† yet another reference to his bear-like stature. However, the most potent form of animal imagery is when it is used in a prefigurative sense. In Chapter 1, â€Å"A stilted heron laboured up into the air and pounded down-river.† In Chapter 6, the heron reappears, â€Å"A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head, and†¦swallowed the little snake.† This is a foreshadowing of the events to follow, where George shoots Lennie in the back of the head. Steinbeck’s manipulation of his short story permits him to substitute ordinary characters and plots with complex, contextual symbolism. This is used to great effect, and enhances the reader’s understanding of the text, which allows a broader knowledge of both the book and the milieu in which it was written.